Frequently Asked Questions
Q. When and where are the weekly troop meetings?
A. We meet every Tuesday at the ABF next to The American School of The Hague (ASH) in Wassenaar.
Q. I have heard that girls can now join BSA. Is this true?
A. Yes! And Troop 141 is starting a girls troop which will be run along side the boys troop. Contact us at troop141thehague@gmail.com, if you would like more information.
Q. Must you be a US citizen to join the Boy Scouts of America?
A. Absolutely not. Many of our scouts are American but our troop is very diverse with scouts from different countries around the world.
Q. Do you have to be a student at The American School of The Hague to join Troop 141?
A. No. Our scouts are students at a variety of schools in the area, including local Dutch schools, other international schools, and homeschools. While most of our scouts attend ASH, we also appreciate having boys and girls from other schools, because it keeps us better connected with the broader community.
Q. How can parents get involved?
A. Time has shown that the number one thing a parent can do to keep his/her child active in scouting is to become an active volunteer. Whether you can only help during an occasional weekly meeting or campout, or are available more often, we encourage all parents to become registered BSA volunteers and get involved. The boy troop is boy-lead and the girl troop is girl-led, but they require support and guidance from involved parents. Talk to a troop leader at a meeting or email us at troop141thehague@gmail.com to discuss opportunities to get involved.
Q. How can I learn more about the Boy Scouts of America?
A. Come to one of our meetings and/or check out www.Scouting.org.
Q. What are the requirements for each rank?
A. See our Advancement page which lists the requirements for each rank. For more questions, contact us at troop141thehague@gmail.com.
Q. What are Merit Badges and how are they earned?
A. Our Merit Badge page describes everything about Merit Badges and includes links to the requirements and workbooks for all 131!
Q. How can I learn more about the uniform and where to put the patches?
A. This can be understandably tricky for new scouts/parents. The BSA uniform inspection sheet describes where to put patches and how the uniform should be worn.
For answers to more questions, see the FAQ section of Scouting.org at www.scouting.org/FAQ or contact us at troop141thehague@gmail.com.